
Welcome to my world! I always thought it would be fun to be the ruler of my own place, and now I can be! I see it as an island within a big city full of life, culture and lots of laughter. Consider yourself a citizen.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

From a tiny seed. . .

I got a bunch of packets of sunflower seeds from Alison, she who is now in London as mentioned in a previous post! She used them as a promo a few years back and was not packing them for her move across the pond. They were seeds packed for planting in 2004. I figured what the hell! I will throw them in the ground and if they grow, great, if not, nothing lost!

Well grow they did! From a humble little sunflower seed, not anything more than one you would snack on, grew giant sunflowers! The first has finally bloomed! I am 6' tall, and these giants are at least 8 or nine feet tall!

Nature is a wonderfully amazing thing!

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At 8:43 PM, Blogger Lisa Ryan said...

very cool. blue jays LOVE their seeds, get ready for some birdy friends.


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