
Welcome to my world! I always thought it would be fun to be the ruler of my own place, and now I can be! I see it as an island within a big city full of life, culture and lots of laughter. Consider yourself a citizen.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Tree hugging

Ever since Earth Day this year, I have been doing my part.

I am now recycling what I can, best I can. I have been surprised how little actual garbage I have since doing so.

I am now switching over to compact fluorescent lamps (CFL). As my old incandescent bulbs burn out, I replace them with the new. Although the other day on the radio I heard a discussion about the mercury, a really bad environmental chemical, that is used in the compact fluorescent and not in traditional light bulbs. The debate is yes the bulbs last longer and use much less energy, but what happens when they do burn out and are disposed of. Or if you drop one and it breaks? Are we just delaying another biohazard? But I digress.

I am noticing more waste. This past week I bought a shirt, the packaging is shown in the picture. That seems like a lot of packaging for one shirt, paper, cardboard, 7 metal pins, plastic collar stay. All which turns to the consumer in hopes of it being recycled. But what if the store just simply hung the shirt on a hanger, took the shirt off the hanger when sold and used the hanger again?

Yeah! What if?


At 11:24 AM, Blogger rzdesign said...

CFL Cleanup:
If a CFL breaks in your home, open nearby windows to disperse any vapor that may escape, carefully sweep up the fragments (do not use your hands) and wipe the area with a disposable paper towel to remove all glass fragments. Do not use a vacuum (i do not know why). Place all fragments in a sealed plastic bag and dispose of properly.

At 3:42 PM, Blogger Lisa Ryan said...

that CFL stuff sounds a little scary.

I hate the rock hard plastic that everything seems to be packaged in these days. you can barely cut it with scissors. That stuff will be around forever.


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