
Welcome to my world! I always thought it would be fun to be the ruler of my own place, and now I can be! I see it as an island within a big city full of life, culture and lots of laughter. Consider yourself a citizen.

Monday, June 09, 2008


Pictured left to right are: My papercut; Kristin Bouvier, me, Christpher Liechty, the artist, Anne Kirby and Stella Liechty

While in Xi'an, we visited the HuaQing Pool which are hot springs for the royals. There were several "street" artists. One saw me and made me stop so he could do a papercut profile of me.

I stood still and he with his small scissors and black paper just went at it. In a matter of minutes, no more than 5, I had my silhouette. He must have had some sense of my liking of Chinese papercuts!

After me, several other of our group stood and had theirs done too. And each one cost about $1.42 or 10 RMB!

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