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Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Chinese Earthquake

As many of you know, I was recently in China when the most devastating earthquake in their history happened in the Sichuan Province. Needless to say, the country is devastated.

I am sure you have all seen the news. Heard the stories of the poor building practices in some of the most fragile buildings. I have created a link, to the right, to the Red Cross China Earthquake Relief. If even just one person makes a donation from seeing the link here, that small ripple will radiate across the world.

Another effort of relief was received by our China host, Huang LI of Package Design Magazine. All designers seem able to submit. My submission is the poster above. The kanji above the date says "earthquake" and the kanji coming out of the crack in the earth says "hope."

Here are the details for submission.

Sichuan 5.12 Earthquake
Quake Poster Theme Poster Design Wanted

Unified Determination Mitigating Quake Disaster Combined Sympathy Overriding hardships

At 14:28 PM, May 12, 2008 an M 8.0 earthquake hit Wnchuan, Sichuan Province. It was the earthquake happened with the most serious devastation since the foundation of People's Republic of China and inflicted enormous human and property losses to Sichuan Province and neighboring areas. under this unprecedented extreme circumstance, all Chinese people, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China and Chinese government, aided by People's Liberation Army, armed police and fire fighters and ordinary police officers, and helped by selfishless donations from all over China and the entire world, displayed no fear and devoted great sympathy to its own people.

Activity Objective
To mobilize all available resources to contribute to earthquake rescue; to encourage designers to depict the nobleness and greatness of selfishless love with their creative designs to encourage people who have suffered to persist in their combat against earthquake. The collection of the posters will be exhibited, edited and published for eternal commemoration.

Designs Wanted
The theme is "Unified Determination Mitigating Quake Disaster;" all teachers, students from designing universities and personnal from designing institutes may take part in the exhibition. We invite world famous designing firms and designers from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Korea, Singapore, etc. to take part. We adopt two ways-designated invitation and extended collection, to ask for participation. 512 pieces will be chosen to take part in final exhibition.

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At 3:59 PM, Blogger KaraMia said...

Hen Hao! Really awesome. What do the kanji mean and how'd you figure out which ones to use...?

At 4:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes! Very nice work! What's the translation?!

At 10:03 PM, Blogger Lisa Ryan said...

how did I miss this? verrry nice.


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