
Welcome to my world! I always thought it would be fun to be the ruler of my own place, and now I can be! I see it as an island within a big city full of life, culture and lots of laughter. Consider yourself a citizen.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Election Day

I wasn't going to vote today. I do not like having to declare my party during these primary elections, as sometimes I do like a candidate who does not follow my party lines.

And then I turned on the television to see our babbling bobble head of a president snicker and smirk his way through a press conference. Being dismissive and glib aint a way to conduct oneself when there are rather serious issues that need some serious attention.

So I will be posting this, and heading out to the polls. Even though I often find myself voting AGAINST someone rather than FOR someone, it is my right and duty to do so.

Get out and vote today!


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