3 lines on a page

WOW! The power of three little lines. I am in the middle of doing final grading for this semester. It is the worst part of my job. I know what grades mean once outside of the academic world…NOTHING! No potential employer will ever ask to see your grades or your transcript. You could be a terrible book student but a pretty damn good designer. It is pretty much all in your book, either you have it or you don't.
The talented students are very much aware of this. But the ones that are in class for a grade, they can drive you crazy, and most often do! I tell them at the beginning of the semester where I stand on grading, wishing it were all pass/fail. I tell them at the start of the semester they all have A's and it is up to them to do the work to keep it. They are in complete control. I give them their A and they decide if they want to do the work to keep it. But some insist that it is I that gives them the grade at the end of the semester, not them that either maintained it or not.
In the end it comes down to three little lines and how they are arranged. They could be arranged to form an A. Curve a couple and it could be a B. Mix em up and they can be an F. It is all up to them how the lines get arranged. For me, it is just three lines on a page.
One of my grades this semester had 4 lines.
Not including plus or minus! Just straight grades, A, B, C, D, F. I guess I will also include I
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